The real Gucci has very fine workmanship, and the stitches on the edges of the bag are straight and neat, while the fake Gucci may have very rough workmanship, with uneven and skewed lines. Observe whether the end of the line is clean, whether the inner leather fold or cutting line is flat, and careful comparison can make the fakes have nowhere to hide.
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Item No.: CT8532-030
The real Gucci has very fine workmanship, and the stitches on the edges of the bag are straight and neat, while the fake Gucci may have very rough workmanship, with uneven and skewed lines. Observe whether the end of the line is clean, whether the inner leather fold or cutting line is flat, and careful comparison can make the fakes have nowhere to hide.
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LOOK 1: Caramel windbreaker + leopard pants + dark brown 1955